Local - 14 August 2013


Bluestone Restaurant Bar 349 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000 (03) 9620 4060 or www.bluestonerestaurantbar.com.au Bluestone Restaurant Bar has recently updated its corporate conference and dining space and released a series of new 2013 Autumn Conference and Events Menus. This year, the owners of Bluestone Restaurant Bar Valerie and Jason McLean celebrate 13 years since they opened

Local - 15 December 2009

My Fair Verona

Pendolino: The Strand Arcade, 412 – 414 George Street, Sydney NSW (02) 9231 6117 or  www.pendolino.com.au Juliet draped over her balcony waxing lyrical to a bleeding-hearted Romeo is probably the only scene of Verona most could conjure up. And it seems Italian restaurateur Nino Zoccali is tapping into that sentimentality with his latest venture, Pendolino: