Backchat - 5 May 2010

It’s the little things that can bite you

I recently returned from a family holiday in Tasmania. Nothing glamourous, just a self-catering week in the interior — tall trees, waterfalls, leeches. We set off one afternoon from our cabin on an hour-long walk, ostensibly to spot wedge-tailed eagles. With two kids under the age of 10 I was bringing up the rear of

Backchat - 5 January 2009

Just Another Editorial About How Crap the Economy is… at the Moment

I’m aware that in these troubled times people look to their magazine editors for reassurance. Opinion leaders such as myself have a responsibility; a responsibility to shed light, not heat, on a vexed situation that doesn’t need any more scare-mongering and scuttlebutt. In an environment fueled by rumour and innuendo, it behoves me to provide