Local - 22 July 2014


Academy 50 Bunda St, Canberra 2601 (02) 6253 2091 or academyclub.com.au Canberra’s largest nightclub, Academy, is now lit up with a new Robe moving light installation from locally-based Elite Sound & Light. It’s designed to provide the best lighting and visual experiences for EDM club nights and visiting live artists. Elite’s Darren Russell was asked

Hotel - 20 March 2013


The Como Melbourne 630 Chapel Street, South Yarra VIC or www.mgallery.com/como The Como has always held a special place in the heart of Melbourne. Well before the Art Series Hotels launched, The Como recognised that not all the hotel action was in the CBD. Sitting atop Melbourne’s Chapel Street fashion mile, the Como has always

Local - 20 March 2013


The Bourbon: 22 Darlinghurst Rd, Potts Point NSW (02) 9035 8888 or www.thebourbon.com.au Along with pricing, ambience and accessibility, Cheung is hoping it will capture the discerning demographic around Potts Point. Creating the ambience to do so, was Kelly’s job. Kelly has a sophisticated understanding of how hospitality design works. “The defining factor in hospitality

Hotel - 30 March 2011

Simply Marblous

Marble Bar @ The Hilton: 488 George Street, Sydney NSW (02) 9265 6072 or www.marblebarsydney.com.au Sydney’s Marble Bar originally opened in 1893. Funding for the venue was raised from NSW horse racing sweeps – as profitable then as they are now –  and the venue cost a staggering 32,000 pounds to build. Marble Bar was