People - 1 September 2010

David Hales

The sleepy city of Hobart has woken up to an invasion from within. Local upstart David Hales has unleashed four venues in the last three years and taken control of a big chunk of the city’s nightlife. venue journeyed south to see how the campaign is faring. Photo: Corey Sleap It’s success by annihilation down

People - 19 July 2010


Justin Hemmes lived the playboy life like it was no one’s business. Now he’s turned his life around, and the playboy life is his business. Photo: Corey Sleap It’s twilight hour; cocktail hour… beer o’clock even; and Justin Hemmes scoots in. Three weeks abroad — half-business/half-leisure, where business meant checking out bands in London and

People - 1 April 2010

William Deague

This man is crazy enough to believe he can launch a national chain of boutique five-star hotels from scratch – the Art Series Hotel Group. Just who does Will Deague think he is? Photo: Corey Sleap Property developers? Pah! If they’re not tearing down community centres to build condos they’re buying off whole councils and,

People - 24 March 2010

Shannon Bennett

The chef behind Australia’s best French restaurant, Vue de monde, has always done things his way. But with new cafés, and a move upstairs to the top of the Rialto tower, is he riding himself into the ground? Photo: Corey Sleap How does a Westie kid go from chip shops and milkbars to become one

People - 25 January 2010

Jerome Borazio

‘St’ Jerome Borazio takes venue on a tour through the back alleys of his mind. Photo: Corey Sleap Jerome wants me to meet him in his element… a St Kilda Football Club ‘Young Guns’ luncheon. The dress code is ‘business attire’, which set me on edge a little — a Collingwood supporter without a suit

People - 25 September 2009

Clive Morley

Renowned DJ, Clive Morley, has been remixing venues that have a poor track record. Born and raised in London, international DJ turned venue strategist Clive Morley would regularly make the trip around the globe to Australia for a sunny holiday. One ‘summer’ day, London’s trademark gloomy skies convinced Morley he should turn his holiday destination

People - 28 April 2009

George Calombaris

George Calombaris has got Greece up to his elbows. Portrait: Corey Sleap George Calombaris is Greek. That much is certain. But wander past his first (and flagship) restaurant, Press Club, and you’d hardly know it. Press Club is unapologetically modern. Designed by Buro Architects, it’s a showpiece fine dining landmark in Melbourne, much favoured by