Local - 22 July 2014


Academy 50 Bunda St, Canberra 2601 (02) 6253 2091 or academyclub.com.au Canberra’s largest nightclub, Academy, is now lit up with a new Robe moving light installation from locally-based Elite Sound & Light. It’s designed to provide the best lighting and visual experiences for EDM club nights and visiting live artists. Elite’s Darren Russell was asked

Hotel - 15 December 2009

Perth City Gate Overhauled

Citigate Perth: 707 Wellington St, Perth WA (08) 9327 7000 or www.mirvachotels.com/citigate-perth Citigate Perth is a four star 278-room hotel managed by Mirvac hotels. The hotel had previously been the Orchard/Grand Chancellor Hotel and its dated interior was in dire need of an upgrade. Woodhead was commissioned to provide design services for the $9m refurbishment,