Nightclub - 15 November 2008

Hell On Earth

Devilles Pad: 3 Aberdeen St, Perth WA (08) 9225 6669 or Photo: Johnny Trask Devilles Pad was originally conceived for The Parmelia Hilton in Perth. But when that project got shelved, Josh Collins and his team decided to press on alone. It took them eight months to convert a rundown shell into a bizarre

Hotel - 5 November 2006

Hesperia Tower — Barcelona

Hesperia Tower: Barcelona’s Hesperia Tower hotel, designed by Richard Rogers Partnership, is a somewhat controversial skyscraper whose architecture and design are reason enough to make it a destination hotel. This imposing monolith, with a glass-honeycomb-domed restaurant perched on top like a visiting UFO, towers 104 metres high. It also features a second restaurant ‘Bouquet’