Backchat - 5 January 2011

Hurricane, 30 Seconds to Mars

Eurgh. There’s no way to intriguingly weave a review of Hurricane that will leave you guessing and tantalised. Quite simply, Hurricane is the worst music video ever produced. It’s one of the most tortuous 13 minutes you’re likely to spend. If you thought Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut was breathtakingly up-itself, then you ain’t seen nothing

Backchat - 5 January 2011

Are You Rich & Can You Ride a Horse?

Polo. Please help me to understand. From where I’m sitting, polo is a horse picnic. It’s a day at the races without the bogans. So why does it have hoity-toity connotations? People have ridden horses for eons. Dozens of civilizations around the world play a version of polo. Head to the high steppes of Central

Backchat - 5 November 2010

U Smile, Justin Bieber

I’ve been putting this moment off for months now, but no more. The Video Watch spotlight wheels around to be confronted by something even brighter: the incandescent visage of a cherubic Justin Bieber. Why the change of heart? Well, clearly there will soon come a time when Justin’s voice will break and things will be

Backchat - 5 November 2010


Filthy Strumpet. Stroppy Cow. It’s really quite amazing what people choose to stick to the back window of their cars. Leaving aside the Bundy ute phenomenon for a minute (“I’d rather be passed out in a puddle of me own spew at the Chunderdoo B&S Ball”) which probably deserves its own thesis, increasingly it’s the

Backchat - 5 September 2010

The Next Big Thing

Back when we launched venue around five years ago a 42-inch screen would set you back $5000+. And I’m not talking about a household name you can trust, I’m talking about a Soney or a Firrips, straight-off-the-back-of-a-Chinese-truck flat panel… probably held together with egg white and sticky tape. Still, we revered the ‘big’ screen like

People - 1 September 2010

David Hales

The sleepy city of Hobart has woken up to an invasion from within. Local upstart David Hales has unleashed four venues in the last three years and taken control of a big chunk of the city’s nightlife. venue journeyed south to see how the campaign is faring. Photo: Corey Sleap It’s success by annihilation down

Backchat - 20 July 2010

Megadeth – The Right to go Insane

Thrash metal and war? It’s a perfect match made in hell. As natural a fit as Pavarotti and super-slow-mo sports footage, or Dwight Yokoam and Nascar racing. If you’re scudding along the Airport Road out of the Green Zone, what better soundtrack than the mayhem of chainsaw guitars and a voice that’s gargling razor blades.

People - 19 July 2010


Justin Hemmes lived the playboy life like it was no one’s business. Now he’s turned his life around, and the playboy life is his business. Photo: Corey Sleap It’s twilight hour; cocktail hour… beer o’clock even; and Justin Hemmes scoots in. Three weeks abroad — half-business/half-leisure, where business meant checking out bands in London and

Restaurant - 15 July 2010

Hunger For Business

Phamish: 30 The Esplanade, St Kilda, VIC (03) 9534 3800 or Across the road from the fledgling restaurant Phamish sit two enduring St Kilda icons; the gaping clown mouth of Luna Park and the old world Palais Theatre. Beyond these gatekeepers, the streetscape melds into a wake of eclectic venues left by the gentrification

Restaurant - 15 July 2010

Mr B Peels Old Mandarin

Mr B’s: 396 Pitt St, Sydney NSW (02) 8080 7777 or The old Mandarin Club was a Sydney CBD institution. Founded in 1965, it was situated at the corner of Pitt and Goulburn Streets until a relocation in 2009. The place to be for the who’s who of the entertainment industry in the ’60s